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changing geometry - simplifying the geometry of some links #437

Open AnoekdeJonge opened 2 months ago

AnoekdeJonge commented 2 months ago

Kind of request

Changing existing functionality

Enhancement Description

When I input a shapefile and I ran a multilink redundancy analysis, some (random) roads are simplified to straight lines, whereas in the orinal shp it were curved lines. This impacts the outcome since suddenly the roads might be flooded, because they are on the wrong location. I don't know why it chooses certain links to change the geometry, and why for others it workes well.

Use case

Sohar project, I add the .ini files below

[project] name = Sohar_RP50

[network] directed = False source = shapefile primary_file = Sohar_network1.shp diversion_file = None file_id = fid link_type_column = highway polygon = None network_type = drive road_types = None save_gpkg = True

[origins_destinations] origins = None destinations = None origins_names = None destinations_names = None id_name_origin_destination = None origin_count = None
origin_out_fraction = None

[hazard] hazard_map = floodmap_R01t-RP50_maxflooddepth.tif hazard_id = None hazard_field_name = None aggregate_wl = max hazard_crs = EPSG:32640

[project] name = Sohar_RP50

[analysis1] name = Sohar_RP50_multi_link_redundancy analysis = multi_link_redundancy threshold = 0 weighing = length save_csv = True save_gpkg = True

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