Delubear / GlucoseTray

Tray Icon for displaying current BG information in taskbar.
MIT License
35 stars 21 forks source link

ToDo: Allow users to manage settings without appsettings.json #39

Closed Delubear closed 3 years ago

Delubear commented 3 years ago

Create a window that shows on the first application launch to ask the user and have them fill out the settings that are now in the appsettings.json file.

Allow an option in the right click context menu to allow editing of these settings as well.

Ideally this would remove the appsettings.json file being needed to deploy separately and managed by users.

How would we store the users settings? Most likely apps local data folder or whatever the windows default for that is.

Stretch goal: allow option to sync settings or at least have an import/export option to a file.

Additional stretch goals:. Additional customization, such as colors used for different glucose levels, customizable tiers of glucose colors and alerts, etc.

Delubear commented 3 years ago

In progress in secondary branch

Delubear commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, since the foundation for the project is based off windows forms, it will be a little...old school. Some may appreciate it.