Deluze / electron-vue-template

Simple Vue3 + Electron starter template in TypeScript, including ViteJS and Electron Builder
MIT License
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How to use three.js to load `.glb` 3D model in Electron? #53

Closed PublicWorld closed 1 month ago

PublicWorld commented 10 months ago

Hi Bro, I used this template and tried to load a .glb 3D model in Electron using three.js, but couldn't success. I tried both the local .glb and the remote one without success, always just a black background. I spent 2 days without finding a solution, also tried to add assetsInclude: ['**/*.glb'] to vite.config.js, also can't render. Refer to this guide, and glb file in Public directory.

So have to resort to you, here is the project file, can you help to check this cause when you have time? Thank you very very much!

Deluze commented 1 month ago

Excuses for the late reply. I don't think this issue is related to the template itself.

In case you are still struggling with this, there's a slight gimmick with referencing assets between the dev build and dist build. Try referring to your model like so:

<script setup>
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';
import modelPath from "../models/myModel.glb"

new GLTFLoader().load(modelPath)

This example should work regardless of environment. I'm not experienced with three.js though.

Closing this issue as it's been open for a while. In case if you are still running into this issue, or someone else is facing this exact issue, please comment.