DelvUI / DelvCD

DelvCD is a Dalamud plugin for Final Fantasy XIV that provides customizable UI elements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature request] Conditionals improvements #12

Open Toxicom opened 7 months ago

Toxicom commented 7 months ago


I believe the conditionals window can be improved and I hope my suggestions will be considered

1) Multiple triggers for conditional styling

As it stands right now, there's no way to check for 2 conditions before applying icon changes. I imagine the options UI would have to change where you create a condition and then inside select and/or/xor triggers so that you can have multiple.

Example use case

Best example I can think of right now is Reaper's Gibbet & Gallows abilities. For those two abilities, I need to check for:

  1. Soul Reaver is active (Trigger 1)
  2. Enhanced Gibbet/Gallows is active (Trigger 2) image

So in a conditionals window, I imagine the structure as follows:


It would also make sense to have the option to give custom names for conditionals, similarly as you can for groups/icons/bars

2) Optional override for conditional styling

I've seen this done in a different Auras plugin, unfortunately it was closed source and no longer maintained. What I mean by optional overrides is basically introducing a second checkbox next to the existing checkboxes in the current conditionals window. Example mock below: image

Basically what this does is introduces inheritance from previous conditions and isolates the styling to that specific conditions, so if on the root I have set these parameters

Then for this specific condition, it would inherit all the styles from the root icon and additionally apply

Example use case

Here I can use the same Gibbet & Gallows example, where on Condition 1 I could set Desaturate as disabled and then on Condition 2 apply glow while inheriting the already disabled Desaturate if the Condition 1 also passed.

Ending notes

I'm terrible at writing so excuse me if it's not clear, let me know and I'll try to elaborate better