DelvUI / DelvCD

DelvCD is a Dalamud plugin for Final Fantasy XIV that provides customizable UI elements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Progress swipe and status timer displayed incorrectly for icons with more than 1 trigger #14

Open darkgecko opened 7 months ago

darkgecko commented 7 months ago

Progress swipe and status timer are displayed only for an icon's first trigger. All other triggers will not correctly display either of them.

An example setup: Trigger 1 - Divine Benison Trigger 2 - Aquaveil, uses OR condition


This is what the icon looks like for Trigger 1:


This is what the icon looks like for Trigger 2, which uses an OR condition. Notice there's no progress swipe or timer text:


If you change "Show Progress Swipe" to the second trigger in the icon's settings, it'll show the progress swipe only for the second trigger, but not the timer text. However, doing this is inconvenient. The swipe and text should be displayed for the currently active trigger, without having to switch settings.

show_progress_swipe_trigger2 trigger2_progress_swipe

In addition to this, if both triggers are active at the same time, the progress swipe for the second trigger will be displayed, while timer text is shown for the first trigger.


Another thing to note: when creating a new icon, the incorrect label is used by default for displaying the timer text: [value:t] instead of [status_timer]



Might also be worth mentioning that I imported my settings from Rebuff, I'm not sure if this affects anything.

WesBosch commented 7 months ago

When changing into DelvCD, a few things were changed in the process. For labels, you will need to manually change the [string]s to match the new tags avaliable, this applies both to XIVAuras and ReBuff imports.

For the Swipe/cooldown issue, text labels currently always pull data from the first trigger. (this was also changed in the update to accomidate new trigger options iirc) For complex trigger logic it might be better to make two elements, one for each skill you're tracking, and put them in the same place so that they'll both display while the other isn't triggered. In the case that both are triggered, it'll display whichever is lower on the draw list. So you can adjust the priority to your liking, and group them to make ui editing a bit easier. It is a bit more inconvenient than tossing everything into one element, but it makes trigger logic much more consistent.

darkgecko commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the reply!

I would like to mention that the label issue occurs when creating a new icon from scratch as well, not just when importing icons from XIVAuras and ReBuff.

As for the trigger logic change, I guess it's a bit unfortunate but I can work around it. I just wanted to ask, is there any way I can adjust draw list / priority? I must've missed the setting - or is it done simply by moving icons up / down in the icon list, or inside the group?

WesBosch commented 7 months ago


Elements lower on the element list are drawn after elements higher in the list. Which puts them on top if they're in the same place. The up & down arrows let you quickly change the priority of elements and groups. (Note that in preview mode draw priority works a little differently.) Test it out at a training dummy if you can to check that it works how you want it to.

For labels, I think the defaults were left as they were in xivauras since it's impossible to know what kind of tag the user will need now that the data is more granular, so it'll always end up being wrong for somebody by default. They're only really there as examples for the user to edit now.