DelvUI / DelvCD

DelvCD is a Dalamud plugin for Final Fantasy XIV that provides customizable UI elements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Viper JobGauge condition not working? #37

Closed steeben closed 1 month ago

steeben commented 1 month ago

I have a single trigger set for an icon to appear:

Trigger Type: JobGauge Job: Viper

Trigger Condition: Anguine Tribute Stacks == 5

Visibility settings: Hide if level <100

When I use reawaken and get my 5 stacks of Anguine Tribute, the icon doesn't appear even though the trigger is to show when I have 5 stacks.


Zeffuro commented 1 month ago

I'm unable to replicate the bug and when I make icons with the stacks specifically they work, can you export your aura so I can take a look?

steeben commented 1 month ago

The last update to DelvCD seems to have fixed it, it's working for me now.