DelvUI / DelvCD

DelvCD is a Dalamud plugin for Final Fantasy XIV that provides customizable UI elements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request]: Import Custom Icons From Folder #49

Open Razoroth opened 1 month ago

Razoroth commented 1 month ago

What's your suggestion?

Would like to see an ability to import custom images/icons for use. QoLBar has a way to implement custom icons by placing the .png/.jpg files in their custom icon folder at %AppData\XIVLauncher\pluginConfigs\QoLBar\icons. This allows your own images to be used as icons in-game. Their instructions have you name them 1.png(or jpg), 2.png, 3.png, etc, then calling upon those names in the icon number field directly by file name.

This could expand how UI's are created to make custom themed HUDs or auras/statuses. Good example would be wanting Dancer's Fan Dance charges to show as their original job gauge icon "feathers" from the gauge, made by cropping the feather image out of the job gauge in photo editing software, then placing inside the folder and calling upon it to be used as a charge icon, separate from the default job gauge and being able to place the charges wherever you like on your screen in any layout.

I was attempting to do this with White Mage and the Lily charges but wasn't able to without this type of feature.

Similar custom importing already exists with DelvUI for bar textures and fonts. This could be added to both DelvUI and DelvCD with the same options for importing.