DelvUI / DelvUI

DelvUI is a Dalamud plugin for Final Fantasy XIV that provides a fully customizable replacement for the default UI.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Suggestion]: Customisable Masks for Bars and Borders #1225

Open EmmettJayhart opened 1 month ago

EmmettJayhart commented 1 month ago

What's your suggestion?

Following #1224, there is still an issue with that suggestion that this suggestion fixes. A bar texture has to be made with the border texture in mind and vice-versa. If a border is rounded, but a bar isn't, the bar would be flowing outside the border. This suggestion aims to solve that by allowing bar textures and border textures to not care about each other, allowing users to use any combination.

A mask texture would work by blending from bar to border, for example, RGB#000000 means read from the bar texture for that pixel, and and RGB#FFFFFF means read from the border texture instead, and a value inbetween means read from both and blend. The Alpha channel is instead used directly. with an A#FF in the mask, the final rendering will also be A#FF, and an A#00 means that pixel will be transparent, along with all the values in between.

EmmettJayhart commented 1 month ago

As can be seen in the example for #1224 and here, this allows for a rounded bar, or any shape including something like the vanilla Limit Break bar. Image image

This mask texture will allow for bars and borders to not care about each other, and also allowing any image to become a texture that looks good. Even without #1224, this will still work good for customising bar shapes.

Tischel commented 1 month ago

It's a good idea but hard to execute on top of DelvUI's window clipping system sadly.