Delwddrylliwr / cartolan

Simulation and networked virtual play of the Cartolan boardgame, playtesting and exploring whether there are degenerate strategies as well as providing a basis for novel ANN testing.
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Allow trading once per turn #298

Closed Delwddrylliwr closed 2 years ago

Delwddrylliwr commented 2 years ago

... At least in Routine and Adventurous modes.

This simplifies the rules, and information to keep track of, and:

  1. Increases the value of trading in the early game;
  2. Makes for more viable trade route options, with a return journey or repeated trading between slow returns to a city;
  3. Encourages (through this) traders to leave themselves exposed to piracy;
  4. Still leaves a trade loop as the ideal, to avoid piracy and maximize distance covered - although frequency of trade ports on land may need to reduce.
Delwddrylliwr commented 2 years ago

Implemented and tested.

An unforeseen extra gameplay impact: there is more incentive to return along a partial route rather than exploring further.