Demigiant / dotween

A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
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OnComplete() not called when calling Complete() in OnUpdate()/OnComplete() #400

Open TouiSoraHe opened 4 years ago

TouiSoraHe commented 4 years ago

image image OnComplete of tween2 never called,Because TweenManager.isUpdateLoop == true

chrisyarbrough commented 3 years ago

My team is running into the same issue. In our case, it was a little obscure since we have tween A which disables a GameObject. When the GameObject is disabled, all tweens should skip ahead (Complete with callbacks), which works fine when the GameObject is disabled from a regular call, but not if called from within tween A.

Here is my reproduction script, just put it on any Transform in the scene to see it in action:

using DG.Tweening;
using UnityEngine;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    private Sequence scaleTween;

    private void Start()
        // Tween that should be killed/completed with onComplete callback.
        scaleTween = DOTween.Sequence();
        scaleTween.Append(transform.DOScale( * 5, 15));
        scaleTween.onComplete += () => Debug.Log("ScaleTween Complete.");

        // Some other tween that disables a GameObject and should kill/skip/complete the scale tween.
        var moveTween = DOTween.Sequence();
        moveTween.Append(transform.DOMove(new Vector3(5, 0f, 0f), 5));
        moveTween.Append(transform.DOMove(new Vector3(10f, 0f, 0f), 10));
        moveTween.onComplete += () => Debug.Log("MoveTween Complete.");

    private void OnMoveTweenCallback()

        // Here the scale tween should skip to the end
        // and invoke the log statement above "ScaleTween Complete."
        // But in reality, the scaleTween scales to the final end scale, but onComplete is not called.
        scaleTween.Complete(withCallbacks: true);

How can I work around this issue? I believe this will be a common thing where some tweens are running, and if they are at a midpoint callback and other tweens are still running, these other tweens must be skipped.

TouiSoraHe commented 3 years ago

@chrisyarbrough My solution is to encapsulate Dotween,like:

        if info.OnUpdate then
        if AnimationModule.IsComplete(tween) == true and info.OnComplete then