Demigiant / dotween

A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
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OnComplete doesn't called when SetLoops(-1) #566

Closed Sargerus closed 2 years ago

Sargerus commented 2 years ago

` public GameObject asd; private Tweener tw;

void Start()
    tw = asd.transform.DOPunchScale( * 2, 2)
        .OnComplete(() => { Debug.Log("Complete"); })
        .SetLoops(-1); //SetLoops(2)

void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))

It is easy to reproduce. Pressing Q button won't trigger tweeners OnComplete() until you make SetLoops(any natural number).

Demigiant commented 2 years ago

If your tween loops infinitely (aka loops set to -1) it can't complete (not only the OnComplete callback won't fire, but also the animation will continue playing because Complete is ignored) :P If you want a callback when a "loop step" completes you can use OnStepComplete, or if you want to be able to complete a semi-infinite loop cycle you can set its loops to int.MaxValue