Demigiant / dotween

A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
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DOTweenTMPAnimator reseting mesh data on construction? #591

Open fmoyano opened 1 year ago

fmoyano commented 1 year ago

Using Unity 2021.3.5f1 and Dotween Pro 1.0.310.

I had this effect where I first would warp the text according to a curve, and then, apply a per-character punch scale to the warped text. It worked perfectly on 1.0.244, but in the newer version, the punch scale animation resets the vertex data and undoes the warping.

I used to have this line in the previous version for the punch scale: var animator = new DOTweenTMPAnimator(GetComponent(), false);

The second argument to false would prevent the vertex data to be refreshed.

But in the newer version, the second argument has been removed, and my guess is that once I create the animator, the mesh previous transformations are undone.

Is this correct and intended? Is there a way to avoid the refresh of vertex data when creating the animator?