Demigiant / dotween

A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
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Tween logging - NULL tweens #648

Open wrymn opened 11 months ago

wrymn commented 11 months ago

Any hints how to solve this or what may we be doing wrong?

We get literally hundreds of these messages when enabling verbose logging: image image

I fear it may cause performance issues in our game (even with disabled logging, as something is definitely wrong)

Unfortunately I have no idea how to reproduce it or what could be wrong, as I believe we are using DOTween according to documentation :)

Maybe some hints: We are using only DOTweenAnimation components on prefabs and scenes. None of them have AutoKill, as we are using them with DoTweenVisualManager component that restarts the tween OnEnable(), as this is how we are using the tweens in the project, where we just activate some UI element and expect it to tween scale or fade automatically, so I presume auto kill would make it not work on next OnEnable().

Some hint 2: The first screenshot tells about NULL tweens. We have tween animation components with autoplay on the scene. However, when scene loads, we destroy these gameobjects with tweens right away, as they get replaced by proper prefabs. Maybe this is causing the issue? As dotween is trying to auto start and restart the tween, but it gets destroyed by unity.

Demigiant commented 11 months ago

Indeed the issue seems with tweens trying to be restarted when they don't exist, but if you delete the gameObject this shouldn't trigger. Going to test this (after I test the other issue you had), which is puzzling me right now