Demigiant / dotween

A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
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Startup errors not giving detailed warnings when default logging enabled #671

Open TsunamiMUD opened 10 months ago

TsunamiMUD commented 10 months ago

I run a simple project and get this in my log: [main][WARN][Unity] DOTWEEN ► SAFE MODE ► DOTween's safe mode captured 2 errors. This is usually ok (it's what safe mode is there for) but if your game is encountering issues you should set Log Behaviour to Default in DOTween Utility Panel in order to get detailed warnings when an error is captured (consider that these errors are always on the user side).

There's no indication as to what the startup errors are, and my settings have default log behavior, safe mode, and debug store gameobject IDs image

ColinCee commented 2 weeks ago

I'm having the same issue, no idea whats causing the error either