DemigodsRPG / Demigods3

The (now defunct) Demigods RPG experience for survival/PvP Minecraft servers.
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When binding an ability, we should grab the item and add custom meta with ability info. #111

Closed alexbennett closed 11 years ago

alexbennett commented 11 years ago

We could change the color of the name and maybe the name itself to signify that it's a bound item and then add something like "Bound with Lightning" to the lore. The lore can be as simple or complex as we see fit.

This would entail switching the way binds are saved from just the material to likely a TrackedItemStack, but I think it would be much more intuitive and worth the extra work. Shouldn't be too hard anyway, will just take a bit of time.

HmmmQuestionMark commented 11 years ago

I think we should force it into a slot and give them an item.

alexbennett commented 11 years ago

I don't know about forcing it into a slot. I don't like the idea of not letting them customize where it appears on their hotbar and what not. We could possibly give a tag to all bound items that we could read quickly later and then listen for all inventory events and drop events and then either cancel them or delete the item when it involves something that's bound. Not sure how reliable that would be though.

HmmmQuestionMark commented 11 years ago

Well, maybe just force it to their hotbar (so they can't have a whole inventory of abilities bound).

alexbennett commented 11 years ago

I guess so. It seems highly unlikely that there will even be more than a hotbar full of abilities to even bind though.

HmmmQuestionMark commented 11 years ago

Probably not, but we want to streamline battles and this is how MMORPGs do it, generally.