DemigodsRPG / Demigods3

The (now defunct) Demigods RPG experience for survival/PvP Minecraft servers.
MIT License
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Battles as a Minigame #131

Closed HmmmQuestionMark closed 11 years ago

HmmmQuestionMark commented 11 years ago

Battle events that all players are allowed to join will occationally trigger based on certain preconditions.

These events will create an area with a surrounding radius, when a player dies, they immediatly respawn at the edge of the area and can continue to fight with no immediate consiquences.

The battle will end when some sort of precondition occurs, and the punishments will be dealt based on who won and lost the battle overall, as well as teleporting all relevant people back to their starting location.

Not all battles will take this form, but we want to let this happen as much as possible while still making it balanced.

Maybe some sort of mini-version of this for duels, but allowing nearby players to join in after they start. Then after they grow large enough the entire server is invited.

Maybe have the apple of discord be involved in this somehow.