DemigodsRPG / Demigods3

The (now defunct) Demigods RPG experience for survival/PvP Minecraft servers.
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Special items that will have attached powers separate from deities. #46

Closed alexbennett closed 10 years ago

alexbennett commented 11 years ago

We could easily attach listeners and give these items abilities unique to only them. Seems almost unnecessary when it boils down to it, because even enchanted items will be largely outweighed in power in comparison to deity abilities.

HmmmQuestionMark commented 10 years ago

This was done with the addition of Divine Items.

alexbennett commented 10 years ago


whirlwindwinter commented 10 years ago

Would this be like a medusa's head or a witch head that would just turn someone into stone for a period of time? Or are you talking about enchanting an item to help a deity in a certain way?

HmmmQuestionMark commented 10 years ago

These are just special items with abilities tied to them.