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AH Bot Suggestions #12

Open tb1 opened 6 years ago

tb1 commented 6 years ago

Feedback or issue :

The Problem # 1

It is hard to find reasonably priced gear, so we end up gimp leveling everywhere.

The Problem # 2

With such a low population, it's not feasible to craft a variety of items for users. Tossing stuff on AH means everything comes back to you. Could put them on bazaar for the next 3 months, but that's alot of gil tied up in items that produce little to no profit.

Proposed Solution

Have the AH bot buy and resell items up to a certain stock.

For example, take the seer's set. Currently the bot will stock 30 pieces of everything, refilling the stock automatically. Instead, have it not stock (or have a minimal stock), and buy up whatever users give it, and stock from that.

To prevent abuse, could have it only stock X number of items (say 5-10?), and buy from users at a cheaper price than it sells for (say, 10-20% cheaper?). Could even have it trigger the restock on auction expire (3 days or whatever it is).

This would:

Users would also be able to buy gear, xp in it, then resell it (at a small loss).

This would require a lot of work in figuring out the proper prices of stuff.


Currently I buy alot of raw mats, convert to finish products, then NPC them for some profit. This means I am able to get alot of gil into the economy (by NPCing stuff at profit), but it all ends up going back out of the game (since I buy shit from the AH bot and NPCs).

The proposed method, although will require quite a bit of work, shouldn't require any major code modifications (since you already have an AH bot running), and should keep more gil flowing in the economy.

It should also get people who want to do some of the shitty crafts (like smithing), a little more likely to do them since they know at least skilling up they'll be able to recover a majority of the gil they put into it.

As always, just an idea I've been thinking about, would love to hear some discussions.

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago

Reselling is current out. While pydarkstar is supposed to support running separate prices for buy and sell, it wasn't working for me. And I am not ok with gear becoming rented - sold back at full price so the gil stays in system forever. I have some other mitigation s coming to help us out till we have more population to get the ball rolling on the AH front. If I have to I will manually buy/sell some things myself outside of the bots automation to get this going. Putting some things cheaply on an NPC or as custom drops is also a possible temp solution I've been looking at.

For other items that we need added, let me direct you to the existing bot issue :wink: where we are taking suggestions on what to add or remove to or from the bot. Availability is the major factor on me adding stuff that I get told we need, and since we don't yet have a bunch of players needing things crafters would sell, nor farmers selling things crafters would need, we've a lot of stuff for me to do there.

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago


- [x] stuff


- [X ] stuff

its also possible to ignore it, and then click the empty checkbox after you post:

tb1 commented 6 years ago

[x] I don't know what you are talking about.

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago

dem ninja edits :+1: