Demiurge-XI / feedback-and-info
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Derpy Mule #17

Closed tb1 closed 5 years ago

tb1 commented 6 years ago

Feedback or issue :

A few days ago, one of my mules got a little derpy when zoning. He wouldn't load into zone ("Downloading data..."), and another mule got stuck in position (this likely was some weird multisend thing, and can be ignored).

I did the standard thing, kill off the derpy mules, relog them in, and continue playing. The problem is, the mule Med is now consistently derpy.

Normally I'd chalk this up to my install being corrupt, or some odd shit on my machine, or maybe hardware problems, but this is too consistent to be that.

If it is just a transient thing you think will go away when the server restarts, that's fine and I can wait until next update. However, if you suspect it some sort of persistant issue (eg. database issue), I figure I'd make you aware of it so it doesn't spread/affect other people.


TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago

Have seen a plugin do this..I forget which one. I'll try and find that. It sounds weird because you'd think "well all my alts use the same ones though! that's impossible!" but no really, have witnessed. I have no explanation for how it only hit 1 alt either. The upside is its super easy to rule out : log effected char in alone using only xiloader without windower or ashita. Still screwy? then its server side!

Another possibility is game thinks he's in a party with himself. have seen it in rare cases and it always went away after I cleared the sessions and parties during maint.

tb1 commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I tried loading up Med on a clear profile with no addons (well, the default ones in ashita which is almost none), and same thing.

I'll wait until next maint and see if it persists. I've noticed the character "Burning" online but in the search window as disconnecting (red dot) for the past week or more, so that could be related too.

TeoTwawki commented 6 years ago

Is he normal now?

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

never got an answer. if still happening you can go ahead and catch me on discord.