Demiurge-XI / feedback-and-info
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Feed back on speed #30

Closed IzzacSturnburg closed 5 years ago

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago


The speed changes are to fast and makes my character looks like he is sliding and breaks my immersion and tweaks my noggin. It's something i tried to handle without being direct as to resort to slowing down my own speed using tools. but the problem still slightly looks like I'm skating and running slow. So i figured i might as well give a suggestion.

Solution** Give the option as default running speed , and give a cap command for the server running speed at 40 points. That would give everybody a choice of speed they would like. I prefer default. but that's just me. But if you could do this it would definitely encourage me to stick around. Most servers have there speed to high anyway and it draws me away from the game cause of wonky animations.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

modifying speed on the fly can be problematic. I think you are in a very extreme minority on this request, but I am looking at if it can be done without effecting everyone else.

what i think I can do is a self server !ilikeitslow that only works if you are exactly the normal speed, but you'd get reset to normal every zone and login plus could not toggle it back off manually because if I then we run the risk of exploits when the server messes up putting you back to "normal". zone/login the char is fully rebuilt, so thats pretty safe. I think. :thinking:

I don't want to roll this into my hardmode code for both the above reasons and the fact most people will still want increased speed.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

btw are you playing with a framerate unlocked/adjusted? at the games normal frame rate the running does not look like sliding to me. Looks normal at our default speed. I'm just wondering about the cause of that.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

It seems fine to me, you mite just be to used to ERA run speed that some other servers have, I can't stand that speed, makes my skin itch. >_<

Edit: By the way you've described it, sounds like a FPS issue or graphics issue to me.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

I am playing with the frame locked to 30 fps. In some situations depending on the revision of the server it can also cause animation bugs with those who update past the revision. However when you mention that a command would affect everyone, like in what way would it affect the entire server of players? I played on a server that just used the gm command to adjust movement speed, I personally don't know how to write checks of status to a server but i assume adding a check can prevent it from going past a certain cap. But each server and sql can be written differently in it's entirety depending on the coder.

However here is some ideas:

Solution:: *Create a new effect > and apply a command similar to the Beseiged buff (/sprint) or flee for speed with a toggle on and off using the games disable status , with a set speed to 40 points on the effect of the buff with a time of 9 hours or some random long time limit. - this will give players options. set the buff to a command to trigger with typing !dash or something or !speedbuff something random. /sprint command -

*Create a command that gives gm speed set to 40 points

If you need help with creating status effects with buffs let me know I can send a few of my projects of corsair as an example. NOTE: When you create new effects it will generate random icons upon use because it doesn't exist in the game.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

This server follows DS build very closely, sounds to me its just your pc build thats causing the "weird animations", I'm running this on a crappy laptop and don't experince that at 30 fps.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

This server follows DS build very closely, sounds to me its just your pc build thats causing the "weird animations", I'm running this on a crappy laptop and don't experince that at 30 fps.

I only have the issue on this server sadly i play on DSP regular server i have 0 issues, and i have a custom built pc. I mean i can record it but i'm telling ya it's a simple fix using a buff command and creating a new effect in sql.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

I played on a server that just used the gm command to adjust movement speed,

There are a lot of other things that adjust movement speed that need taken into account. Those commands you saw on other servers are built right into dsp. The servers allowing that don't care if your base speed gets messed up because you can just set it whatever you want again. I'm not wasting days accounting for every thing you could possibly do because one player thinks its ruining his immersion. I have the mobs set to get a speed boost to. I'm not slowing them when they are chasing a player who decided they wanted to go slower.

I only have the issue on this server sadly,

we don't have anything special there that other servers do not have. LegionDark ran for over a year with a much higher speed than Demiurge has before R3 decided to tone it down to 90 yes it was higher than 90 for a time. thats past perma flee..

if theres a prob, its not something I modified.

Any chance you could show me a vid of the sliding around? Its not happening that I can tell when I log in.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

I'm very well aware you didn't modify only but the speed. But thats exactly why i left legion at lvl 2. I can record it and show it to you, give me a few.

in the mean time here is a example of one of them situations. I gotta download fraps and upload it a moment.

Old post :

Old post 2:

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

I'm very well aware you didn't modify only but the speed.

literally nobody has reported this sliding thing, you are saying it only happens here but other servers have higher speed than us, is what I was telling you.

Just clarifying.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

watched the videos..

all I can say is what the actual F, looks nothing like that for the rest of us.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

Its from your end lol

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

Its not as exaggerated this is true, but the problem is still there and i see it. I'm uploading the video.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

literally nobody has reported this sliding thing, you are saying it only happens here but other servers have higher speed than us, is what I was telling you.

And i get the same problem with every speed increase server.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

Its from your end lol

If it's on my end why does dsp server work fine on old school?

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

Its on your end, no one is expericing this issue, stop blaming a server you have no knowledge of and look in to your own settings, I've played on other servers as well, never had this issue.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

Its on your end, no one is expericing this issue, stop blaming a server you have no knowledge of and look in to your own settings, I've played on other servers as well, never had this issue.

Why are you arguing and being defensive? look i'm here to address a problem thats it. thats why i am uploading the video. So stop putting the burden on me with a beatitude saying it's a blame when i said i was going to help with sql.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

Theres a difference between being defencsive and pointing out a fact, its on your end.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

Or maybe you just don't see the problem. When you see the video you will be able to compare and see.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

I have seen the one is expericing that issue here, everyone who plays this server has played on others as well, enver experinced the issue, this is on your end.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

thats an "Old Post"

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

I said i was uploading a video... still am.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

And i get the same problem with every speed increase server.

then please take this to darkstar's tracker. maybe there is some trigger for it. We once found out the sneak but was being set and it silended some guys footstep sounds. Nobody else noticed it in over a year. it happens.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

And i get the same problem with every speed increase server.

then please take this to darkstar's tracker. maybe there is some trigger for it. We once found out the sneak but was being set and it silended some guys footstep sounds. Nobody else noticed it in over a year. it happens.

That's a valid point Teo, last time i did post it to KJLotus and he did fix the issue some what. It's not as exaggerated as before ever since he updated the dsp. The problem is alot smaller then before. So i agree with you i could take it to dsp also. But it doesn't hurt to look into it. But i do notice the problem vanishes on default. That much i can testify on. I'll post the video soon its almost done.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

no not also - if its not specific to this server its not something I should be looking into here. I do work off both trackers when time allows, but I have to prioritise my time, and at the other tracker other people can help. Here, it's just me. if you want it handled, you need more than just me looking at it.


IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

in your video your sliding to.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

in my video I look like I do on my retail account

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

I never mentioned era , though I only talked about old school dsp. But as for Teo, i'm not sure i experience the sliding with or without gm flag. Even if its very faintly.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

there are 2 speeds an entity has: speed of movement and speed of animation the only fix in darkstar's history I saw adjusts the ratio between them. there was some odd thing with the GM flag, overlapping bits maybe I don't know I'd have to ask lotus.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

Thats realistic movement, sounds like to me your to used to era movement.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

I wonder why dsp old school doesn't slide like that...

well since nobody else is seeing the sliding you speak of, I can't say that's the case..

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

Era movement feels like your movement in slow motion to me.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

hell on retail I feel like I'm baywatch running, and if I bump the walk/run toggle its like I'm just moving my feet without going anyplace..

TIL: github doesn't like embedding animated gif

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

Era movement feels like your movement in slow motion to me.

But i never once agreed with Era or mentioned Era as a agreeable speed. I gave the agreement to DSP old school, i don't see problems on there Jankin. But in Teo and my video's, We are both sliding with or without GM. Even though its very slight.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago


LOL now thats funny.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

well, I'm willing to try and give you a self server slow down, but I can't really fix-fix this, ya know?

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

The movement isn't sliding at all, its because your used to a slower speed your human eye feels this way, like how I feel lower movement is sluggish.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

well, I'm willing to try and give you a self server slow down, but I can't really fix-fix this, ya know?

Teo you are a super nice person on trying to agree with me on some level. I really appreciate that. Only if it doesn't put a burden on you to do this. I'm up for that agreement. But if it puts to much time on you then don't worry about it.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

The movement isn't sliding at all, its because your used to a slower speed your human eye feels this way, like how I feel lower movement is sluggish.

Or you just can't see the aligned speed with the footing not syncing with the speed of the walk way. If you pay attention to the video the bricks move quicker then the footing. and it gives the sliding effect.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

Earlier this afternoon I tossed together something to check if your speed is at base (no adjustments, just what the conf set) and then set you to old stock 2004 retail. if speed is not base, it send a message saying it can't adjust you.

But I didn't get to test that yet.

..Also remember mobs have boosted to, and there is no turning this back off without rezone/relog.

Jankin01 commented 5 years ago

I'm paying attention, its a difference of opinion, when someone is used to different speeds, they see it differently, to me there is no sliding.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

I'm paying attention, its a difference of opinion, when someone is used to different speeds, they see it differently, to me there is no sliding.

Earlier this afternoon I tossed together something to check if your speed is at base (no adjustments, just what the conf set) and then set you to old stock 2004 retail. if speed is not base, it send a message saying it can't adjust you.

But I didn't get to test that yet.

Teo it's appreciated ! Yeah i kinda figured mobs might be boosted to. But it's okay i'm willing to try it to see what happens. But we might have to test that when i get back. Me and my family are gonna be having a family dinner in a moment. But i can keep you posted if you want to try it.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

I'm paying attention, its a difference of opinion, when someone is used to different speeds, they see it differently, to me there is no sliding.

I wish i could say the same, it wouldn't itch at me.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

it took a small src change (to fetch exact conf speed instead of magic number, in case it ever changes) which means a recompile, which means it can't go in till next time I take server down. by then I might have a safe way to toggle it back off. depends on what else I wind up spending my time on. speaking of, I need to go to bed. I get up for 5am and work long hours at my dayjob.

IzzacSturnburg commented 5 years ago

depends on what else I wind up spending my time on. speaking of, I need to go to bed. I get up for 5am and work long hours at my dayjob.

Yeah lets not close the server for my sake to try that idea, only when its comfortable to you and the players. But Teo i appreciate your time talking with me and trying to work with me and thank you for putting up with my feedback. You have a good night.

RavenTactics commented 5 years ago

I have no idea how realistic this is on a time/effort level but I have a possible option to support those that want a slower speed experience.

What about making the change at the item level vs. the server/client end? I was thinking about adding a backend perma-debuff like Gravity or use code from say Dusk Boots to an item like in order to allow the game to manage the speed instead of a server command that needs to be issued zone by zone. That way he (or she) can equip something to slow down when running around and unequip them whenever.

Bonus: I figured Rusty Leggings would also be realistic. After all wearing tetanus infested boots will slow anyone down. Downside: The Rusty Leggings are not ALL jobs and (lulz) someone may actually equip them and report the slowed speed as a bug.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

January 15th 3:11 PM (e16653b) Implement !slowmo

when I pushed that commit was when I finally had time to test. I haven't rebuilt the server to use it yet and that's the only reason this isn't closed. I'm not futzing with items or new effects (or anything more at all) for it.

davismj commented 5 years ago

the run speed here is a killer feature of this server, it shouldn't be changed.

TeoTwawki commented 5 years ago

Feature is live now but I forgot to close this.