DemocracyEarth / old_dapp

Liquid democracy smart contract implementation
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[Metamask] call contract vote() function #53

Closed virgile-dev closed 6 years ago

virgile-dev commented 6 years ago

When user selects chooses an option ( yes or no) and then clicks on the vote button it triggers a metamask transaction. Vote function parameters are vote(aremsg.sender, ballotId, voteOption)

virgile-dev commented 6 years ago

Transaction status:

capture d ecran 2018-04-22 a 14 11 51
aecc commented 6 years ago

This was actually already implemented in #54. The UI still doesn't show the transaction progress. I'm not sure how to make that work @AlexJupiter @LucasIsasmendi

aecc commented 6 years ago

@AlexJupiter @LucasIsasmendi should we leave the "transaction in progress" to be implemented in this issue?

AlexJupiter commented 6 years ago

@aecc, I believe so yes. It isn't recorded in any other ticket.

aecc commented 6 years ago

ok, I leave this to you guys because I have no idea how to do it. The ideal scenario would be that the modal is not blocking, and that after clicking "submit", the progress is in the background (meanwhile you can browse) and some kind of notification is obtained when the transaction is done (remember we are talking about minutes in the main net) I wonder, is this how we envisioned it in the UX design initially? is this part of the scope of dapp 0.2 ? Or should we do a "blocking" modal for this iteration? I lean more towards the last option.

AlexJupiter commented 6 years ago

Closing this issue, to celebrate that this task has been done, and then going to open a new issue just related to the transaction statuses.

AlexJupiter commented 6 years ago

Related issue: