DemocracyEarth / paper

On self sovereign human identity.
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Remove Rick Falkvinge quote #276

Open lsitongia opened 6 years ago

lsitongia commented 6 years ago

On page three, there's the quote from Falkvinge about waiting for the older generation to die before things change. I used to believe that. Now I see that even two generations (about 40 years) can pass and the same people can be in power. So, the quote is wrong. Moreover, there are detrimental memes that cross generations, like racism. People teach that to their children. So, the quote is also irrelevant. Finally, let me ask, do you really want such a divisive idea in your manifest, suggesting that you need the older generation to die before you can accomplish what you want?

SFSandra commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your comment. The inclusion of this quote is not intended to reflect the idea that the older generation must die before we can accomplish what we want. Despite the fact that the older generation is statistically far less likely to adopt new technologies, democracy will become decentralized and digital whether they want it to or not. The focal point of the quote (pasted below) and its inclusion in this paper is the incongruity of Luddites with the keys to a kingdom of digital natives. Many things will change this situation, and the death of the Luddites is only one of them. If we hear from others that the inclusion of the quote is divisive we'll certainly consider removing/replacing it.

“Politics moves at glacial speeds: nothing seems to happen until suddenly a strenuous noise gets everyone's attention. It is slow because it often takes one generation to die for the next one to take over. And today we live in a world that has the offline generation in charge and the online generation growing up”.