DemocracyEarth / wallet

Censorship resistant democracies.
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A few Questions #514

Closed Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle closed 4 years ago

Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle commented 4 years ago

I am pretty sure you have no issues like that opened yet.

This is a (Bug Report/ And a question)

:tophat: Description

For bug reports:

For feature proposals:

:pushpin: Related issues

:clipboard: Additional Data

Et bon courage.

santisiri commented 4 years ago

We changed our servers to deploy the dapp in our main domain during the time you were playing with our software. You can check the whole thing on

The /blockchain project was simply an exploration as a side project we did many years ago, you should realize that. It's not even featured on our github page.

If you think Ethereum is not real open source because it turns out there are services out there in the market that can help you with the heavy-lifting, I won't ever bother arguing such stupid claims, happy to debate them on crypto twitter tho.

Everyone builds their own sovereignty, if you need us to build it for you seems clear you don't understand the concept.

Regarding your french feelings, c'est la vie. Our research is on the repo. Our core focus is regarding formalization of human identity over decentralized networks. Would be nice if you bothered to actually read it.

Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle commented 4 years ago

Picking up De Gaulle to make a joke I believe, was the worst idea you could have. Ask the americans.

Jean-Baptiste-Lasselle commented 4 years ago

ps: Ouh, and about your :


*and it's actually the same result today...

oh it's outdated, so what's the purpose of the 3 days ago Mobile app release ...? I mean, you should write in the release notes "Hey guys, this a brand new mobile release, that is completely outdated, go test it on your phone, don't wait!"

Anyway, I will stop this conversation here, I think all my points were clearly made, and you are perfectly free not to answer any. I just believe in making to the public clear, different opinions between professionals, they have both and they make their decisions.