DemocracyOS / democracyos

Democracia en Red is focusing on specific implementations of DemocracyOS. We are working now working with governments and activists all over Latin America. If you are interested in our online participation tools you can check them out on our site.
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Ubuntu 13/14 installation #338

Closed Mysingen closed 9 years ago

Mysingen commented 10 years ago

Well, basically nothing works at first. "make" can't find the command "node", but installing nodejs-legacy solves that.

Second, signing up causes the log message " democracyos:mandrill-mailer A mandrill error occurred: Invalid_Key - Invalid API key +424ms". This can be bypassed by copy-pasting the validation link into the browser (also visible in the log).

Third, after login, browsing the main page gives the top bar and left pane (which both look decent although the top-left image is shown as a broken link). However, the right pane just shows a spinner.

Sorry for the crappy bug report. Please tell me which log files to attach.

gvilarino commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I'll split answers into three parts, respectively:

  1. Node installation in Linux depends a lot on distro and version; from what you say I can think only that the installation method you used didn't create a symlink accesible through your PATH env variable.
  2. That's a new one. Can you copy a log of your make output?
  3. That's a known issue. You should load default fixtures in order to see some sample data.

Please feel free to update our wiki's installation guide with any findings :)

Mysingen commented 10 years ago

Thanks for answering. Here's the log:

democracyos:signup new citizen [536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df] from Local signup [] +0ms democracyos:signup Saved citizen [536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df] +590ms democracyos:db-api:token Creating new email validation token for citizen {"v":0,"avatar":"","email":"","firstName":"Foo","lastName":"Bar","_id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df","createdAt":"2014-05-10T09:07:59.077Z","emailValidated":false,"staff":false,"fullName":"Foo Bar","id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df"} +0ms democracyos:db-api:token Removing all tokens for citizen {"__v":0,"avatar":"","email":"","firstName":"Foo","lastName":"Bar","_id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df","createdAt":"2014-05-10T09:07:59.077Z","emailValidated":false,"staff":false,"fullName":"Foo Bar","id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df"} +0ms democracyos:db-api:token Creating new token for citizen {"v":0,"avatar":"","email":"","firstName":"Foo","lastName":"Bar","_id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df","createdAt":"2014-05-10T09:07:59.077Z","emailValidated":false,"staff":false,"fullName":"Foo Bar","id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df"}, meta {"ip":"","ips":[],"host":"localhost:3000","origin":"http://localhost:3000","referer":"http://localhost:3000/signup","ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/31.0.1650.63 Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"}, scope email-validation +1ms democracyos:db-api:token Delivering token {"v":0,"user":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df","scope":"email-validation","meta":{"ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/31.0.1650.63 Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36","referer":"http://localhost:3000/signup","origin":"http://localhost:3000","host":"localhost:3000","ips":[],"ip":""},"_id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1e0","createdAt":"2014-05-10T09:07:59.670Z"} +2ms democracyos:signup email validation token created {"v":0,"user":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df","scope":"email-validation","meta":{"ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/31.0.1650.63 Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36","referer":"http://localhost:3000/signup","origin":"http://localhost:3000","host":"localhost:3000","ips":[],"ip":""},"_id":"536dec6f54b47f134d02e1e0","createdAt":"2014-05-10T09:07:59.670Z"} +3ms democracyos:mandrill-mailer Sending email to citizen { __v: 0, avatar: '', email: '', firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar', _id: 536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df, createdAt: Sat May 10 2014 11:07:59 GMT+0200 (CEST), profiles: { twitter: undefined, facebook: undefined }, emailValidated: false, staff: false, fullName: 'Foo Bar', id: '536dec6f54b47f134d02e1df', updatedAt: undefined, username: undefined }, subject DemocracyOS - Welcome!, body

Hi Foo Bar,

Please click here to validate your email address.

The DemocracyOS team.

PS: if you haven't signed up, please ignore this email.

+0ms democracyos:mandrill-mailer A mandrill error occurred: Invalid_Key - Invalid API key +386ms

Mysingen commented 10 years ago

I can send you the installation log as well if you like. It has some odd looking things in it. Can't figure out a way to attach files here though. Possible?

Mysingen commented 10 years ago

I'm finding more problems, perhaps related to a failed installation. There does not seem to be any way to create a new proposition, for instance. There is only the pre-configured "Internet civil framework".

gvilarino commented 10 years ago

For that you can either create new proposals by using the same method as when loading fixtures or when using the admin module. For the latter do the following:

  1. Put your email in the STAFF variable in development.json.
  2. Navigate to /admin

You should then see the admin module where you can create, delete and modify tags and laws

gvilarino commented 10 years ago

I'll see into the rest of your issues throughout the weekend.

sachalifs commented 9 years ago

Closing this. Please. @Mysingen refer these kind of inquiries to our mailing list.