DenWav / wat

Native, C-based Bukkit plugin API. Please don't actually use this.
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[QUESTION] How would i make a plugin with this? #1

Open Technisha opened 3 years ago

Technisha commented 3 years ago

Heya haha, i saw this project and it looks interesting, so I'm wondering how I'd test it out :p

How do i build a plugin with this since it'd be interesting :p

(Yes i am aware of the hell i am going to be subjected to and will sell my soul to the devil)

DenWav commented 3 years ago

Pretty much none of Bukkit's actual API is implemented here (though this does work as a proof of concept). I have some ideas on an even more terrible wat v2 I might build in the future which would automatically generate the entire API, but that also may never happen.

DenWav commented 3 years ago

Keep in mind this project exists purely as a proof-of-concept tech demo essentially.

Technisha commented 3 years ago

Ah, understandable haha, thanks anyway!