DengPingFan / Polyp-PVT

Polyp-PVT: Polyp Segmentation with Pyramid Vision Transformers, AIR 2023.
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evaluation #13

Open LvGuangzu opened 5 months ago

LvGuangzu commented 5 months ago

Hello, I see that you only have the mdice evaluation indicator in Could you please share the code for other evaluation indicators during the training of the model?

def test(model, path, dataset):

data_path = os.path.join(path, dataset)
image_root = '{}/images/'.format(data_path)
gt_root = '{}/masks/'.format(data_path)
num1 = len(os.listdir(gt_root))
test_loader = test_dataset(image_root, gt_root, 352)
DSC = 0.0
for i in range(num1):
    image, gt, name = test_loader.load_data()
    gt = np.asarray(gt, np.float32)
    gt /= (gt.max() + 1e-8)
    image = image.cuda()

    res, res1  = model(image)
    # eval Dice
    res = F.upsample(res + res1 , size=gt.shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
    res = res.sigmoid().data.cpu().numpy().squeeze()
    res = (res - res.min()) / (res.max() - res.min() + 1e-8)
    input = res
    target = np.array(gt)
    N = gt.shape
    smooth = 1
    input_flat = np.reshape(input, (-1))
    target_flat = np.reshape(target, (-1))
    intersection = (input_flat * target_flat)
    dice = (2 * intersection.sum() + smooth) / (input.sum() + target.sum() + smooth)
    dice = '{:.4f}'.format(dice)
    dice = float(dice)
    DSC = DSC + dice

return DSC / num1