DengpanFu / LUPerson

Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification (LUPerson)
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如何解析dets中的pkl #8

Open wang21jun opened 3 years ago

wang21jun commented 3 years ago

感谢您的工作,您dets中的pkl解析后每个item是如下所示格式,请问各个字段依此代表什么(比如1819代表?),另外这个检测信息如何知道对应到视频中的哪个帧?多谢. 1819: [[0, {'bbox': array([ 618.625, 81.75 , 1031.375, 709.25 ], dtype=float32), 'pose': array([[733.08105, 205.53418], [753.5075 , 176.93718], [720.8252 , 185.10774], [822.95734, 176.93718], [724.91046, 193.27832], [929.1748 , 328.09277], [716.7399 , 340.34863], [986.36884, 524.1865 ], [692.2282 , 462.90723], [790.2751 , 597.7217 ], [667.7165 , 528.2718 ], [855.63965, 695.76855], [716.7399 , 691.6833 ], [773.9339 , 720.2803 ], [761.67804, 691.6833 ], [896.4925 , 699.8538 ], [684.0576 , 703.93915]], dtype=float32), 'conf': 0.9488497, 'prob': array([[0.960111 ], [0.9625488 ], [0.96105295], [0.9494078 ], [0.5803897 ], [0.7805291 ], [0.8539633 ], [0.84015006], [0.9082806 ], [0.85463387], [0.9051482 ], [0.68101335], [0.77411926], [0.01756088], [0.01273601], [0.07441353], [0.05114838]], dtype=float32)}]]

ivskaikai commented 3 years ago


wang21jun commented 3 years ago


shreejalt commented 3 years ago

@wang21jun Can you help me in how did you scraped the data from youtube using the given keys?

shreejalt commented 3 years ago

At what FPS youtube videos are read? It seems that when I parse the videos, random crops are obtained rather than original person crops? Do we need to change the fps of the youtube video when we read it?

flazerain commented 3 years ago



shreejalt commented 3 years ago

@flazerain Yes the problem is of the resolution itself.

dongxuemin666 commented 2 years ago

Hi, congratulations for your excellent work. As I experimented, the "dets.pkl" you provided could not match the persons in the video. As above mentioned, this could be due to resolution difference. So could you please tell us how to solve this problem?

dongxuemin666 commented 2 years ago

@flazerain 请问您解决这个分辨率的问题了吗?

oliver8459 commented 2 years ago

@dongxuemin666 请问您解决分辨率问题了吗?求赐教!

zhixingc commented 2 years ago

前两天作者release相关的下载与解析代码,我们对应整理了一份数据集。百度云链接为: 链接: 提取码:LNsd 供大家参考!

wengdunfang commented 2 years ago

前两天作者release相关的下载与解析代码,我们对应整理了一份数据集。百度云链接为: 链接: 提取码:LNsd 供大家参考!


DengpanFu commented 2 years ago

前两天作者release相关的下载与解析代码,我们对应整理了一份数据集。百度云链接为: 链接: 提取码:LNsd 供大家参考!



Soar-Sir commented 2 years ago

前两天作者release相关的下载与解析代码,我们对应整理了一份数据集。百度云链接为: 链接: 提取码:LNsd 供大家参考!

Thank you very much for your work. Can you upload this dataset to AliDrive( Baidu disk has not opened a membership, the download speed is very slow...slow...slow...Thanks again!

Zhongdao commented 2 years ago


Hi Zhixing, 感谢贡献! 请问用您这个版本的数据可以大致复现到文章里的数字吗?

blue-blue272 commented 2 years ago

前两天作者release相关的下载与解析代码,我们对应整理了一份数据集。百度云链接为: 链接: 提取码:LNsd 供大家参考!


ycbilge commented 1 year ago

could you also provide the data using any other source like google drive? We cannot reach the Baidu disk.