DenisMir / Missed-Call

The project allows you to support the translation of Missed Call in different languages and you can report issues with the app itself
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Add support for Google Voice #19

Open JoshMock opened 14 years ago

JoshMock commented 14 years ago

I can add custom notifications for the built-in features of my phone, but I am slowly moving toward using the Android Google Voice app and would like to customize notifications for handling missed calls, voice mail and text messages through that app.

DenisMir commented 14 years ago

I will look at this one when it gets available in Germany. At the moment it is difficult to test. I don't really know how integrated Google Voice ist. But if it uses the normal call log chances are good that missed calls should be detected with the normal call service.

Icculus760 commented 14 years ago

+1 OP Love the app. Thanks!!!

tekkub commented 14 years ago

I do believe it uses the call log. I'm happy to offer up my Nexus One for any testing you might need, I use GV very actively.

As a side note, GV mainly uses the notification system for voicemail and sms received on GV, not missed calls. Missed calls seem to display from the default system notifications.

tberman333 commented 14 years ago

+1 for this one.

mblais commented 14 years ago


JoshMock commented 13 years ago

@annoma: I know your full source isn't public, but I'd love to help contribute if you want help. I'm a developer, though I haven't done any Android dev before, but I'd love to help you work on this. If nothing else, I could help you dig into the technical details of Google Voice's notifications so you can code it.

mraeryceos commented 13 years ago
