DenizenScript / Depenizen

Addon to Denizen that provides script support for other major plugins.
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Bluemap plugin support! #346

Open ArtifactyNight opened 4 years ago

ArtifactyNight commented 4 years ago

Bluemap is so interesting visualize map plugin so i want to make marker feature or etc. work with denizen


Resource Page: API:

mcmonkey4eva commented 4 years ago

... What support?

ArtifactyNight commented 4 years ago


// im forgot to put information 😂

mcmonkey4eva commented 4 years ago

You've still requested exactly nothing thus far

ArtifactyNight commented 4 years ago


for situation: i want to make player who die, will displaying marker point in map. so i can add marker's icon and label by using command: - bluemap add [id:<#>] [icon:<#>] [label:<#>] and remove marker: - bluemapremove [id:<#>] and the last, can set a marker if it already have: - bluemap set [id:<#>] [icon:<#>] [label:<#>]

[icon:<#>] = need to put image's url. if not adding, it's will set default marker's icon.

and server tags like: <server.bluemap> to returns list of server's marker (using <ListTag.size> to return counts)

P.S. sorry for some bad grammarly. english isn't my main language 😅