DenizenScript / dDiscordBot

A Discord bot for Denizen!
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creating/deleting voice/text channels #13

Closed Mwthorn closed 2 years ago

Mwthorn commented 5 years ago

As the title suggests. Creating a voice/text channel and deleting them. The purpose for this is to allow temporarily channels for users, meetings or services.

As for how the commands should go: - discord createchannel id:mybot guild:<def[guild_id]> type:text name:my-temp-channel - discord createchannel id:mybot type:voice name:my-temp-channel - discord deletechannel id:mybot guild:<def[guild_id]> channel:<def[channel_id]>

Mwthorn commented 5 years ago

To further expand this; There should also be a command to edit the permissions on a channel which might be difficult to setup unless there are specific permission nodes or something related. Here is how I imagine the command could be: - discord editchannel id:mybot guild:<def[guild_id]> channel:<def[channel_id]> permission:<def[node]>:(true/false/none) role:<def[role_id]> The role argument is optional, if not specified, then its a global permission.

Mwthorn commented 5 years ago

In addition to the permissions; It is also possible to add a member to a specific channel. Example: - discord editchannel id:mybot guild:<[guild_id]> channel:<[channel_id]> permission:<def[node]>:(true/false/none) user:<[user]>

This is just a quick example and may not be exact to what discord demands in terms of arguements.