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SparseMatrix | Dennis #6

Open Dennis201503413 opened 4 years ago

Dennis201503413 commented 4 years ago



Abner-Hernandez commented 4 years ago

A great help to my project 1 was the structure that is necessary to be able to graph a dispersed matrix. first it was necessary to establish the address that the graph needed for this case the address was from top to bottom (rankdir = TB), second write all the elements to graph, third establish that each element could not contract, in this case only the attribute for all elements of the same line is not performed for elements from the same column (constraint = false) and fourth indicate that a certain group of elements was required to be in the same range neither below nor above (rank = same).

PsychoBen commented 4 years ago

The sparse matrix helped me a lot, to develop the first project of the class of data structures. Since this structure was the main basis of the entire project, it also allowed me to better understand how to handle pointers in this type of data structure. This structure often tends to scare students because of the number of pointers that must be handled, however, understanding how to make connections between nodes, that fear disappears and all this is achieved by knowing how to manage the headers and the nodes themselves, without the need to create useless nodes to store our information.

ronyale commented 4 years ago

Great explanation, before this I didn't have the idea and the clear concept about the elaboration of a disperse matrix and much less how was the process of graphing, now I clearly understand how this structure is composed and how to perform the basic operations in a correct way, I have also managed to understand how is the process of graphing this structure through the Graphviz tool.

This helped me quite a lot in the development of my project, as this depended most of it to move forward in other aspects of greater importance and to develop a good application, thanks to this correct explanation, now all this is easier to understand.

leonardo0martinez commented 4 years ago

Before they mentioned this structure in the project, I didn't even know that sparse matrices exist. After I saw your video on youtube, and learn how to make it. I understood how the pointers in a data structure works and how use them in order to go through the structure in different ways. Also I understood how to create nodes with properly attributes to solve problems. I remeber to be really exited when the sparse matrix get all the data that I wanted, and then realize that I can put the entire matrix in another node to simulate the layouts was the best, I felt like a child with a new toy. And finally, I learnded how to program in C++ because it was my first time in that programming language.

KatherineSanchez98 commented 4 years ago

This data structure helped me fully understand the concept of pointers and thus be able to carry out my project correctly. At the beginning of the course I was scared of the data structures but with this, it was a great explanation about the subject and an excellent example as well as the graphing of it to better visualize the structure. Thanks to this example I was able to carry out my project in which this structure was a fundamental part of it. Regarding the graphing, the tool I used was graphviz, and being able to visualize the scattered matrix I finished understanding the concept of it.

azurdiajonatan commented 4 years ago

During the development of the creation of the matrix I learned many things, this helped me to fully understand the operation of linked lists, how their pointers work, how to save information and how to create different types of structures with them. This structure in project 1 was incredible as after joining several nodes to form a matrix you could create different images when graphing it. I learned how to manipulate this structure and use it in other ways within the project. Thanks to this I also learned to graph this structure. I finally lost the fear of programming in c ++ since I was afraid of their memory pointers because I didn't know how they were used.

Sergio10RPR commented 4 years ago

In my opinion, the dispersed matrix is ​​the structure of data that gave me the most difficulty when graphing it with the Graphviz tool, this because each node of the matrix has four pointers that point to other nodes and depending on their location point both to the headers (x, y), the process to visualize it takes a bit of work using graphviz however its visualization is important to verify how this matrix works compared to a normal matrix, when we see the plotted matrix we can see that this matrix does not use memory spaces where we do not insert data so we will see many NULL, this is because this type of structures only uses the nodes necessary to store the information in this way improve the memory related. It is a very structure Useful for storing large amounts of information that have some kind of relationship.

jdchavarria commented 4 years ago

Personally, all your posts were very helpful in the realization of the projects that I was doing throughout the course, but especially this issue of dispersed matrices was one of the most important due to the importance of this structure of data, the explanation for me was simple to understand due not only to the concepts but to the practice for the realization of it this was fundamental since project 1 was entirely about matrices I think that without a good explanation of the subject I would not have been able Understanding and carrying out the project would have been very difficult. The part of graphing the matrix in graphviz was something that really cost me but with your orientation to use rank same to group I take away difficulty to graph it.

Aldair2011 commented 4 years ago

This structure was one of the ones that seemed most difficult to me at the beginning of the course, due to its complexity of joining the nodes with two different types of headers. But with this explanation I realized that it was not as complicated as it seemed. It helped me a lot to be able to carry out my first project since much of the project was about this. The way it is explained in a detailed and simple way makes it easy to learn how to do it, also taking this explanation as a base helped me a lot to be able to graph the sparse matrix it through Graphviz. Since through this tool you can generate graphs of any type of data structure for a better visualization.

eporon commented 4 years ago

This article was very useful in the implementation of my dispersed matrix, the main reason was to provide theoretical knowledge for the coding of it.

When starting the course, I could identify that this structure is very useful and has many benefits because it does not generate junk memory, since it manages memory space very well and presents a very efficient and effective way to handle it. In conclusion I learned that dispersed matrices are used specifically in computer science and have different data analysis and storage protocols and techniques related to their use

JeffGeoMP commented 4 years ago

In my opinion this structure was one of the most difficult to implement, since I did not know how to start, for example how to initialize the headers if it had to be separately or together with the nodes of the matrix, or how to proceed to perform the necessary validations for the structure, etc. But this article helped me a lot to have the bases and understand this structure in its entirety, not only with theory but also with code. It also helped me to graph the matrix, specifically so that the nodes were aligned and the overflow as a matrix was seen, since previously it was a headache so that it could be visualized well. In summary Very good article, straight to the point and easy to understand.

EH0809 commented 4 years ago

Hi Dennis, this is one of the most complicated structures I have learned so far, and in the way you explained and programmed it at the same time it was much easier to understand, what gives me a bit of confusion is what is the difference between this matrix and the adjacency matrix and how it would be implemented if in any case it is different. Thank you