DennisBauer / RecurringExpenseTracker

A Material You recurring expense tracker, allowing you to keep track of your monthly spending.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Replan a payment once #146

Open serrq opened 7 months ago

serrq commented 7 months ago

Similar to "skip next" but little bit different. In this action the user doesn't trash a payment, just add more days in order to execute.

For example:

Each 15 of the month I go to hairdresser. For some reason this month I go to hairdresser the 22. So I want just replan once the paymemt day without touching the recurring rules.

DennisBauer commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the idea I get your point. However the app is focused on recurring expenses, defining too many exceptions for the recurrence might make it more complex than I anticipated. I'll think about this and might do it in the future but cannot promise.