Closed Grumblebeard closed 7 years ago
I wasn't able to find any incompatibilities.
The HunterBars Addon requires you to have the Auto Shot ability somewhere on your Action Bars. This can not be a Macro, it has to be the ability. Are you certain that you have it on any of your Action Bars?
Also, although this has nothing to do with the issue, HunterBars doesn't check for the dead zone. It checks whether you're in trading distance which is 11.11 yards.
I do have the regular auto shot ability on my bars, I tested for that myself. To the best of my knowledge B2 has to use the limited check interact distance functions to basically guestimate the deadzone, and given that on my current server the trade distance (which is supposed to be 11.11 yards) is closer to 9 yards, that doesn't cause an issue.
The crux of the issue is that HunterBars works WITHOUT CastModifier enabled, but breaks when it is.
Since I fail to reproduce this, let's try these things:
The more in-depth you can go the easier it'll be for me to find this bug.
I'll close this since no more information was provided. Feel free to reopen it once my previous questions are answered.
If both CastModifier and Bartender are activated, the functionality of the HunterBars ceases to function. This function is designed to swap a bar (default, the main bar) with another bar upon which melee range spells/items/macros can be used. It does this by checking if the target is auto shot range and interact range 2, but not in melee (to establish the deadzone), and then when the target moves into melee it swaps to the other specified bar. To reiterate, CastModifier in some way prevents this script from functioning, and the bar swapping breaks.