Any way to add support for /castsequence, or make this addon compatible with MacroExtender, which does allow castsequence?
I want to be able to use roid conditions like [@target type:Humanoid isnpc:target] within castsequence so I can, for example, check if a target is a humanoid npc, if it is then cast pick pocket, and then either way on my next press cast my opener, regardless of if pickpocket succeeded.
Any way to add support for /castsequence, or make this addon compatible with MacroExtender, which does allow castsequence?
I want to be able to use roid conditions like [@target type:Humanoid isnpc:target] within castsequence so I can, for example, check if a target is a humanoid npc, if it is then cast pick pocket, and then either way on my next press cast my opener, regardless of if pickpocket succeeded.