Dentosal / python-sc2

A StarCraft II bot api client library for Python 3
MIT License
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don't have "run_game" file in sc2 lib #317

Open SemaSC2 opened 2 years ago

SemaSC2 commented 2 years ago

I don't have "run_game" file. It is in all sources and is used in the documentation%0A%0Asc2.-,run_game,-(%0A%20%20%20%20sc2.maps.get), but I can't find how get it anywhere. My code:

import sc2
from sc2.bot_ai import BotAI
from sc2.player import Bot, Computer

class MyBot(BotAI):
    async def on_step(self, iteration: int):
        print(f"This is my bot in iteration {iteration}!")

    [Bot(sc2.Race.Zerg, MyBot()), Computer(sc2.Race.Zerg, sc2.Difficulty.Hard)],

error: AttributeError: module 'sc2' has no attribute 'run_game'

JayRizzo commented 2 years ago

hi @SemaSC2 , I hope you are well.

I am playing around with the code and looks like this worked for me.

This is what got me working.

from sc2.main import run_game

my test code so far:

import sc2
from sc2.bot_ai import BotAI  # Parent AI Class that you will inherit from
from import Difficulty
from import Race
from sc2.main import run_game
from sc2.player import Bot
from sc2.player import Computer
from sc2 import maps
from sc2 import units
from sc2.constants import *
import random

class RizzoBot(BotAI): # inhereits from BotAI (part of BurnySC2)
    async def on_step(self, iteration): # on_step is a method that is called every step of the game.
        print(f"This is my bot in iteration {iteration}") # prints out the iteration number (ie: the step).
        await self.distribute_workers()

        # INFO
        print(f"INFO_ \
                 Minerals: {self.minerals} \
                  Vespene: {self.vespene} \
        Total Supply Used: {self.supply_used} \
          Total Army Size: {self.supply_army} \
        Total Worker Size: {self.supply_workers} \
               MAX Supply: {self.supply_cap} \
        Total Supply Used: {self.supply_used} \
        Total Supply Left: {self.supply_left} \
        Units_ \
               Total Townhalls: {self.townhalls} \
        Total Structures Count: {self.structures} \
                   Total Units: {self.units} \
            Total Worker Count: {self.workers} \
             Idle Worker Count: {self.idle_worker_count} \
              Total Army Count: {self.army_count} \
              Total Warp Gates: {self.warp_gate_count} \
                   Total Larva: {self.larva} \
           Total Gas Buildings: {self.gas_buildings} \
        OtherInformation_ \
          Current Selected Race: {self.race} \
              Current Player Id: {self.player_id} \
        OtherInformation_ \
          1st Townhall Location: {self.start_location} \
        Main Base Ramp Location: {self.main_base_ramp}")

    [Bot(Race.Protoss, RizzoBot()),
     Computer(Race.Zerg, Difficulty.Hard)],