🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
The daily streaks on README.md for a GitHub profile are not working.
Code:[![GitHub Streak](https://streak-stats.demolab.com?user=whoami-anoint&theme=dark)](https://git.io/streak-stats)
Github Profile: https://github.com/whoami-anoint/whoami-anoint
The connection to the Heroku server has been a bit slow today. You could always switch to hosting your own copy if you want, but this issue should go away on its own next time GitHub fetches the image.
Bug: The daily streaks on README.md for a GitHub profile are not working. Code:
[![GitHub Streak](https://streak-stats.demolab.com?user=whoami-anoint&theme=dark)](https://git.io/streak-stats)
Github Profile: https://github.com/whoami-anoint/whoami-anoint