Denvi / Candle

GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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3018 errors on spindle movement (over 66 for speed) #631

Open mdrich-com opened 3 months ago

mdrich-com commented 3 months ago

Candle: 1.1.7 GRBL 1.1

Some Microcenter 3018 CNC, don't know if it had branding or was just "Inland" special.

Summary: I have reviewed other support posts in a few places as well as here related to similar errors, something else using the port, and so on, but nothing has helped or handled this particular issue where all commands seem to work until the spindle is needed at a speed greater than S66.

Windows 10 this attempt... tried mac and other software as well.

Different issues abound between different computers and software, don't know if it's hardware. Below is the issue on This Candle software, and likely what the other softwares are going through without Candle's visible errors.

Multiple Errors based on action:

Opening the program:

Serial port error 5: Framing error detected while reading
Serial port error 9: The handle is invalid

and sometimes this is at the bottom S1000 < ok

"Send" demo code of the ( from Sainsmart 3018 I get this:

Serial port error 2: Access is Denied
[CTRL+X] < Grbl 1.1 ['$' for help]
Grbl 1.1 ['$' for help]

and sometimes this follows that

Serial port error 5: Framing error detected while reading
Serial port error 9: The handle is invalid
S1000 < ok
Grbl 1.1 ['$' for help]

happens at Line 3: G0X0.000Y00.000S1000M3 which reports in the State and Response columns as "Processed" and "ok" Lines 4-15 are "Sent" and "" Lines 16-180814 (End of the instructions) are "In queue" and ""

Jog left, right, up, down... No messages, moves as expected.



Start spindle: (I hear the USB disconnected sound and sometimes the reconnect sound immediately)

M3 S900 < ok
Serial port error 2: Access is denied.
[CTRL+X] < Grbl 1.1 ['$' for help]
Grbl 1.1 ['$' for help]

Sometimes I receive these errors in addition: Serial port error 11: A device which does not exist was specified Or Serial port error 1: and something about a directory... don't have that one handy to get exactly.

On some other software I can get the spindle to spin and stop or the program to start running the paths, but it will not spin the spindle and run the path at the same time (or as needed). Those will have to be in other forums, but I have modified the GCode with several options to run the spindle etc... in those programs.


-Driver is from CH341SER installer from SainSmart

-Update: I've tried running Candle as administrator. Sometimes I get Serial port error 7: Access is Denied Same text as others, but the error number is different.