DependableSystemsLab / LLFI

LLFI is an LLVM based fault injection tool, that injects faults into the LLVM IR of the application source code. The faults can be injected into specific program points, and the effect can be easily tracked back to the source code. Please refer to the paper below. NOTE: If you publish a paper using LLFI, please add it to PaperLLFI.bib
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Installation Error #111

Closed hakantekgul closed 7 years ago

hakantekgul commented 7 years ago


I am using Mac OS X Mavericks and I am trying to install LLFI using command line. After it runs ./setup, I get the following error. Please help. I tried changing the ORACLE_JAVA_HOME and JAVA_HOME to /usr/libexec/java_home but it did not work.

Running ./setup for LLFI: -- Generating default software failures with /Users/hakantekgul/Desktop/LLFI/llfisrc/tools/FIDL/ -- Success! readlink: illegal option -- f usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]

ERROR: Invalid ORACLE_JAVA_HOME: bin/javac not found!--

With regards, Hakan Tekgul Electrical and Computer Engineering | Class of 2019 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign IEEE - HKN

abrahamchan commented 7 years ago

Hi Hakan,

Thanks for using LLFI. Have you tried to specify the JAVA_HOME_DIR explicitly in the ./setup command?

hakantekgul commented 7 years ago

I tried that right now. I tried the setup command below with the following arguments. This may fix the java_home issue but I get the error where LLFI build directory exists as below. I could not locate and delete the build directory. Can you please help? I am very new to these kinds of things. Thanks!

./setup -LLFI_BUILD_ROOT ~/Desktop/LLFI -LLVM_SRC_ROOT ~/Desktop/LLFI/llvmsrc -LLVM_DST_ROOT ~/Desktop/LLFI/llvm -JAVA_HOME_DIR /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home/

ERROR: LLFI build directory already exists!

karthikp-ubc commented 7 years ago

I think this should be posted to llfi-development as it pertains to a specific installation issue rather than a generic issue with LLFI. Please provide as much context as possible in that post. Thanks.

I'm closing this issue now.