DependableSystemsLab / LLFI

LLFI is an LLVM based fault injection tool, that injects faults into the LLVM IR of the application source code. The faults can be injected into specific program points, and the effect can be easily tracked back to the source code. Please refer to the paper below. NOTE: If you publish a paper using LLFI, please add it to PaperLLFI.bib
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when i execute the step3,it has error as this. #85

Closed lidanfeng closed 8 years ago

lidanfeng commented 8 years ago

root@SZX1000074727:/mnt/llfi20160324/llfi/testsuite/HardwareFaults/insttype# cat llfi.test.log.instrument.txt Error opening '/mnt/llfi20160324/llfi/bin/../llvm_passes/': /mnt/llfi20160324/llfi/bin/../llvm_passes/ undefined symbol: _ZN4llvm2cl3optISsLb0ENS0_6parserISsEEE15setInitialValueERKSs -load request ignored. opt: Unknown command line argument '-genllfiindexpass'. Try: '/mnt/llfi20160324/llvm/bin/opt -help' opt: Did you mean '-inline-cost'?

ERROR: there was an error during running the instrumentation pass, please follow the provided instructions for instrument.

karthikp-ubc commented 8 years ago

Closing this issue as it's not possible to determine root cause from just one message. Also, this is not the appropriate forum to post installation issues - please use the mailing list for the same.