DependencyTrack / dependency-track

Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.
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Add support Google-portal #1499

Open ultramaxim opened 2 years ago

ultramaxim commented 2 years ago

The enhancement may already be reported! Please search for the enhancement before creating one.

Please, can you add support Google-portal?

Current Behavior:

no support

Proposed Behavior:

support portal

TorbenCapiau commented 1 year ago

Just noticed that a free API was released:

Would love to see this integrated as an additional source for vulnerabilities and dependency matching!

stevespringett commented 1 year ago

The lack of Package URL support for the API will limit its utility. Snyk use to have a similar API (they still do), which we did not support and worked with them on adopting purl. If we adopt, we will need them to also adopt purl. The fact a new API does not support purl is interesting. We cannot adopt this as is.

It also appears to be a meta resource and included vulnerabilities from GitHub Advisories and OSV. So if we support, we will have to force GitHub Advisories and OSV support to be disabled - or risk having duplicates.

valentijnscholten commented 1 year ago

purl support has been requested in

rkg-mm commented 6 months ago

PURL support is now available experimentally in

aharonh commented 3 months ago

@stevespringett what do you think about this feature? as the relativly new fda cybersecurity guidance requires SBOMs to track if used component is maintained, Scorecard maintenance score could come in very handy. does that make sense to use the Scorecard info to enrich the components information in DependencyTrack UI and downloaded SBOMs? do you believe this could be implemented sometime within following few months?

valentijnscholten commented 3 months ago

Purl support is now available

stevespringett commented 3 months ago

@aharonh Supporting should be fine, however, I would highly recommend creating additional tickets for representing things like scorecard data. I haven't seen any concrete evidence that scorecard can be a leading indicator of risk, but in some situations, it can be useful. I would recommend the ticket include the various perspectives that scorecard covers otherwise it will not be overly useful in the context of DT.

rkg-mm commented 3 months ago

There is one for Scorecard already . And we use the scorecard and its details for one of the indicators for risk assessment to decide if we use it or not. So representing all its data would be necessary to get the full view for it.

jkowalleck commented 2 months ago

Please, can you add support Google-portal?

I really tried to imagine what an actual user story would be here. but i cannot come up with any beneficial one.

I'd imagine - to solve any possible use case - it could be an acceptable outcome to render a hyperlink to the specific package/version page in - ala Users could click this hyperlink and see the information and do whatever they need - to solve whatever user story they might have.

(PS: an alternative but similar information source seams to be

aharonh commented 2 months ago

@stevespringett Sorry for getting back so late. To my best understanding, service provides a quick way to get relatively fresh precomputed ossf scorecard scores. The free access and relatively large rate limits on make it a great cache and speedup to getting ossf scorecard.

For now, I implemented it as a side pre-prepcessing of sboms before import. I append properties from the scorecard into the components matched by purl. Works nicely but ofcourse, requires some search/viewing features as well for full utilization.