DependencyTrack / dependency-track

Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.
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Offer a query language to perform searches #2919

Open nscuro opened 11 months ago

nscuro commented 11 months ago

Current Behavior

The Dependency-Track UI has multiple views where users can filter displayed items through a search field.

For the Vulnerabilities view, here's what the search looks like:


It works fine if the user knows roughly what they are looking for (i.e., they know the vulnerability ID), but for any other query, the search is not really useful. Some example queries that users may be interested in doing:

A fuzzy search across all properties of a vulnerability is not helpful, as it will always return too much data, and makes "drilling down" very hard or even impossible.

On the technical side, text entered in the search field is sent to the API server via searchText query parameter.

Behind the scenes, searchText is made available as filter variable to the context of incoming requests. It is then up to individual query methods as to what to do with that filter value. For the Vulnerabilities example above, it will be used to construct a match ("contains") query on vulnerability IDs:

The Components search is a bit more sophisticated, as it allows for filtering based on different criteria:


However, it lacks support for multiple criteria. For example, it is possible to search for:

But it is not possible to search for:

Additionally, the current search logic primarily treats inputs with "contains" semantics. There is no way for users to decide when something should be an exact match, or a fuzzy match.

Proposed Behavior

This is similar to

I do not believe in adding input fields for all the various types of properties and comparison operators. It will clutter the UI, and will be hard to test.

What I'd like to see instead is support for a query language similar to Jira's JQL (as mentioned in

It should be possible for users to search for, say, vulnerabilities using expressions like this:

published.year == 2021 && severity == CRITICAL

cvssv3 >= 7.0 && affectedProjects >= 5

It may be possible to leverage CEL. As long as the CEL library exposes the AST to us, we can "transpile" CEL expressions to JDOQL or SQL filter expressions. There is a project in Go that transpiles CEL to BigQuery filters:

If CEL transpiling turns out to not be an option, we could investigate writing our own DSL with ANTLR4.

For a better UX, input fields for search expressions should offer autocomplete. There should be a mechanism that allows users to discover available fields (e.g. a dropdown next to the search bar).


jeremytbrun commented 6 months ago

Would love to see this ability for both vulnerabilities and components.