Open Blissy-32 opened 4 months ago
have done, any who what to get the metric depth map can do the follows: # depth = (depth - depth.min()) / (depth.max() - depth.min()) * 255.0
depth *= 1000
depthg = depth.astype(np.uint16)
# if args.grayscale:
# depth = np.repeat(depth[..., np.newaxis], 3, axis=-1)
# else:
# depth = (cmap(depth)[:, :, :3] * 255)[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.uint8)
when running the metric/, whatever the value of max-depth is,the predicted value always vary from 0 to 255:python metric_depth/ --img-path /home/xxf/ORB_SLAM2_modified/Examples/datasets/test1/rgb --outdir outputs/huanghua/ --grayscale --pred-only --max-depth 80