Der-Henning / tgtg

Scanner for Too Good To Go Notifications
GNU General Public License v3.0
357 stars 59 forks source link

Failed to resolve '' #483

Open Papalloon opened 3 months ago

Papalloon commented 3 months ago

[2024-03-20 18:35:39][tgtg][][WARNING] Failed getting latest version! - HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /repos/Der-Henning/tgtg/releases/latest (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x0000021DB7729390>: Failed to resolve '' ([Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed)")) [2024-03-20 18:35:51][tgtg][][WARNING] Failed to get latest APK version!

Hello, I'm using the prebuild binary and I have the following error without changing anything on my end.

floriegl commented 1 month ago
