DerGut / StundenzettelCreator

A simple web app that automatically creates timesheets and mails them to you.
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Dec 24 - public holiday #36

Open MarauderPixie opened 3 years ago

MarauderPixie commented 3 years ago

Since December 24th is a public holiday in Lower Saxony, it's not allowed to fill in working hours on that date. The creator app does but that, so an exception for that day would be great.

DerGut commented 3 years ago

Hi @MarauderPixie thanks for your request!

The Feiertagsgesetz (only in German) doesn't mention the 24th of December as a public holiday:

§ 2

(1) Staatlich anerkannte Feiertage sind:

a) Neujahrstag, b) Karfreitag, c) Ostermontag, d) der 1. Mai, e) Himmelfahrtstag, f) Pfingstmontag, g) der 3. Oktober, als Tag der Deutschen Einheit, h) der 31. Oktober, als Reformationstag, i) 1. Weihnachtstag, j) 2. Weihnachtstag.

With one exception of public dance events being forbidden 😄 :

§ 9

Am Donnerstag der Karwoche ab 5 Uhr morgens und am Sonnabend der Karwoche sowie am Vorabend des Weihnachtsfestes (Heiligabend) sind öffentliche Tanzveranstaltungen verboten.

I hope that solves your issue?

MarauderPixie commented 3 years ago

Hi! Sure, I know, but you know, good ol' German Verwaltung. Here's an exchange I had:

Them: [...] this is to inform you, that your timesheet for the month of December 2020 is faulty, since you have recorded working hours either for December 6, and/or December 13, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31. Those days were either Sundays or public holidays. As you are aware, working on Sundays and public holidays is not allowed.

Me: Ich habe tatsächlich Stunden für den 24. und 31.12. eingetragen, allerdings sind das weder gesetzliche Feier- noch waren das Sonntage. [Braucht's trotzdem einen neuen Zettel?]

Them: Der 24. und 31. Dezember sind an der Universitaet Osnabrueck arbeitsfrei. Daher duerfen fuer diese Tage keine Zeitaufzeichnungen erfolgen. Ich bitte daher um Uebersendung eines korrigierten Zeitnachweises bis morgen.

So, english/german Kuddelmuddel aside, dies ist ein klassischer Passierschein A38, imo. x)

DerGut commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, that is very interesting... Do you know about any more non-public holidays that are relevant for the time sheets? I couldn't find anything online. Otherwise I'd just add the 24th and 31st manually.

MarauderPixie commented 3 years ago

No worries, it's still some time until next december. :D I don't know of any further, similar dates, so manual exceptions for those are probably enough.