[x] Project quality, review and observe comments in every function, class, or method reviewed.
[x] BE review, observe if API handles error conditions (ie duplicate user id)
[x] BE review, observe if API contains GET and POST methods
[x] BE review, observe that code contains database operations that support Create, Read
[ ] BE review, observe that code contains database operations that support Update, Delete (above requirement)
Silent Review by providing Review Ticket to Teacher (4 Points Total)
[x] Team review ticket 1 point. Participation of Individuals, 75% of individuals completed college board requirements with a crossover score on each of 6 criteria.
[x] Individual Review Ticket 3 points. Provide me individual review ticket that is linked from Team Summary. Highlight your accomplishments. (.5 each)
Sreeja Grading Night of the Museum (4 points Total)
[x] Attendance and Capture the Moment: 2 points
[x] Presentation to Teacher: 2 points (1 minute)
Behind the Scenes
JavaScript Inspect
Database Viewer
Live Review with Student Crossovers (7 Points Total)
[x] Runtime (binary criteria below, 3 points + bonus)
[x] Observe project quality, runs on cross domain, performs all evaluations without crashing.
[x] Observe, UI contains inputs that are validated for garbage, data cleaned (ie validate DOB or Password)
[x] Observe, UI contains actions for Create, Read,
[ ] Observe, UI contains actions for Update, Delete (above requirement) 3/3
[x] Code Review (binary criteria below, 4 points + bonus)
[x] Project quality, review and observe comments in every function, class, or method reviewed.
[x] BE review, observe if API handles error conditions (ie duplicate user id)
[x] BE review, observe if API contains GET and POST methods
[x] BE review, observe that code contains database operations that support Create, Read
[ ] BE review, observe that code contains database operations that support Update, Delete (above requirement) 4/4
Silent Review by providing Review Ticket to Teacher (4 Points Total)
[x] Team review ticket 1 point. Participation of Individuals, 75% of individuals completed college board requirements with a crossover score on each of 6 criteria. 1/1
[x] Individual Review Ticket 3 points. Provide me individual review ticket that is linked from Team Summary. Highlight your accomplishments. (.5 each)
[x] Review Ticket / Presentation
[x] Runtime Links
[x] Technical Achievements, backend focus
[x] Guides for Review (include Blog or Video)
[x] GitHub analytics 3/3