Derpitron / Discord-OTP-Forcer

Selenium based discord OTP forcer
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
43 stars 12 forks source link

For a friend #39

Closed unknowndra9 closed 1 year ago

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

Hello. I'm new here. Bit of context, me and my friend were trying to stream a movie together and we were having audio and visual issues. Long story short, my friend tried to uninstall and reinstall Discord on her phone to so our stream can work properly. She ended up getting locked out of her account because she was unaware she had the 2aF authentication code enabled. So, with every attemps failed to get her account back, I decided to use Discord-OTP-Forcer to brute my way in. Here where I came across a problem; I managed to get it worked, but then I got stuck with the error message "invalid token" on the login page: image What did I do wrong?

Derpitron commented 1 year ago

cc: @LuXeZs

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

You only need the part after as it only needs the token it's self.

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

So, how exactly can I get the token itself? I kinda tried everything to get it at this point

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

it's at the end of the URL so just copy everything else after for example,

You just need to copy the eyJpZCI6Ms34MjI0NTYwNjA3MDY4MTcxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImZsb3BwZXJzdmlAaG90bWFpbC5jb20ifQ.Y and put that into the .env so you'd end up with it looking like this,

TOKEN = eyJpZCI6Ms34MjI0NTYwNjA3MDY4MTcxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImZsb3BwZXJzdmlAaG90bWFpbC5jb20ifQ.Y

If this doesn't fix it just let me know.

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

I see. Let me try

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

Just checking did this fix your issue?

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

No, unfortunately

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

Is it a different issue or still invalid token?

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

Still invalid token

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

How old is the token because it might be outdated and you'll need to request a new one.

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago


LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

Your .env file should look something like this.


You should just be able to copy and paste the token from the end of the url.

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

I see. I tried a few times. So far, less success

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

Could you possibly show me the page again?
I'd recommend requesting a new link and trying it again.

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

I did what you said and I think its working!

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

Should I let the program running overnight till it cracked the code or is it a bit too risky (might have a chance to get the account terminated)?

LuXeZs commented 1 year ago

@unknowndra9 Just checking in to see if your issue has been resolved or if there is anything else I can do to help you?

unknowndra9 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for checking in! My issue has been resolved, thank you. Its been like 5 days since I have been running the Forcer (on the back up codes first). Last night it crashed because it reached maximum recursion. I started it up again, this time on the 6 numbered code, to see if this works. I'm not giving up on my friend just yet :)