DerwenAI / kglab

Graph Data Science: an abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs, integrated with popular graph libraries – atop Pandas, NetworkX, RAPIDS, RDFlib, pySHACL, PyVis, morph-kgc, pslpython, pyarrow, etc.
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I couldn't find a way to add type coercion in the context of the RDF graph #276

Closed psaboia closed 1 year ago

psaboia commented 2 years ago

I'm submitting a

Current Behaviour:

I couldn't find a way to add type coercion in the context of the RDF graph. For example, I would like to produce a compact JSON-LD file that uses only terms like the one below:

"@context": {
  "homepage": {
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "@id"
"@id": "",
"homepage": ""

I've tried it by using the keyword namespace, but It didn't work. Here is my attempt using namespace:

import kglab
import rdflib

namespaces = {
    "foaf": "",
    "homepage": { "@id": "", "@type": "@id" }

kg = kglab.KnowledgeGraph(
    name = "A simple KG.",
    namespaces = namespaces,

kg.add(partnode, rdflib.term(kg.get_ns("homepage")), rdflib.URIRef(""))

And I got the following type of error:

TypeError: Predicate {'@id': '', '@type': '@id'} must be an rdflib term
Mec-iS commented 2 years ago

looks like the predicate you are passing is not a valid rdflib term, "homepage" is an object not a URI. kglab.add is just a convenience method to access rdflib.Graph.add, please see its reference documentation at

Please explain how you think this should work, we may consider adding add_with_type method.

ceteri commented 2 years ago

Hi @psaboia ,

First, I should check about what you mean by type coercion? My hunch is about changing the types references in the JSON-LD context?

Instead, from what I see there are three problems in the code fragment above:

This might be a better way to implement the same code:

import kglab
import pathlib
import rdflib

namespaces = {
    "foaf": "",

kg = kglab.KnowledgeGraph(
    name = "A simple KG.",
    namespaces = namespaces,

partnode = rdflib.URIRef("")


    auto_compact = True,

which then produces file foo.json:

  "@context": {
    "@language": "en",
    "brick": "",
    "csvw": "",
    "dc": "",
    "dcam": "",
    "dcat": "",
    "dcmitype": "",
    "dct": "",
    "dcterms": "",
    "doap": "",
    "foaf": "",
    "odrl": "",
    "org": "",
    "owl": "",
    "prof": "",
    "prov": "",
    "qb": "",
    "rdf": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "schema": "",
    "schema1": "",
    "sh": "",
    "skos": "",
    "sosa": "",
    "ssn": "",
    "time": "",
    "vann": "",
    "void": "",
    "xml": "",
    "xsd": ""
  "@id": "",
  "foaf:homepage": {
    "@id": ""

Admittedly, that JSON-LD context has all of the namespaces brought in through kglab, not just the ones that are actually referenced.

We could provide a new method to remove the unused namespaces, if that would be helpful? In that case the results would look cleaner:

  "@context": {
    "@language": "en",
    "foaf": ""
  "@id": "",
  "foaf:homepage": {
    "@id": ""

Note that RDFlib since 6.0.0 has included JSON-LD serializer support. So the kwargs to kg.save_jsonld() simply pass through to the JSON-lD serializer in RDFlib. In this case I've used the auto_compact flag which produces a compact format.

psaboia commented 1 year ago

looks like the predicate you are passing is not a valid rdflib term, "homepage" is an object not a URI. kglab.add is just a convenience method to access rdflib.Graph.add, please see its reference documentation at

Please explain how you think this should work, we may consider adding add_with_type method.

Hi Mec-iS,

I understand the predicate when passed in that way is not a valid rdflib term. Sorry, for adding this and confusing my main point.

My main point was to be able to compact the IRI to the term homepage, which is specified in the context by "homepage": { "@id": "", "@type": "@id" }, so that I can use the term homepage as a predicate in the triple in the KG.

That way to compact IRIs is found in the reference documentation at

I was just trying to keep using kglab to build the graph, and then serialize it as a compact json-ld.

psaboia commented 1 year ago

Hi ceteri,

Sorry for not being clear when mentioning the word coercion. The idea is to have a shorter and human-readable possible json.

My main point was to be able to compact the IRI to the term homepage, which is specified in the context by "homepage": { "@id": "", "@type": "@id" }, so that I can use the term homepage as a predicate in the triple in the KG.

That way to compact IRIs is found in the reference documentation at

I didn't know about the auto_compact flag for saving a jsonld. Thanks for giving another way to produce similar output. Yes, It would be helpful to have a new method to remove unused namespaces.
