DesertFoxHU / Grimfield

Grimfield is a turn-based 2D strategy game
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Wiki, New Font, Entity movement range calculations #18

Closed DesertFoxHU closed 2 years ago

DesertFoxHU commented 2 years ago

[+] The map max limit set to 64x64, because the current system is not too suited for huge maps. [+] Added Unit movement range calculations, however it not displayed yet. [+] Fixed misnaming "TileDefiniton" to "TileDefinition" [+] Added Wiki pages usability, you can see the previous and the next one [+] Added Buildings wiki page [+] Added Tooltips, everything which has a collider/image can show a tooltip [+] Added tooltip hints for resources [+] Added Wiki book panel and first panels [+] InfoPanel now can show entities [+] Added new font asset [+] Continue of entities