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Add SLA Timestamps to TECH Ticket Detail #535

Open DevanMorrison opened 3 years ago

DevanMorrison commented 3 years ago

We're looking for a way to bring our SLA data into Desk Director's Tech portal.This would be able to provide at a glance data to technicians working tickets of what expectations are & better meet SLA objectives.

Current Scenario Right now the only way to gather this information is to return to Connectwise, or wait until an SLA is tripped which we send a reminder email to the assigned technician that it has been violated. This has an even further use case as moving tickets into different boards or different statuses reflect different SLA timeframes.

If Added Benefit If implemented this would allow technicians to gauge ticket impact/urgency even better than just by ticket age & last updated time. This also adds a further management capability of reinforcing SLA compliance, which will overall drive customer satisfaction & contract viability metrics.

Desk Director Vision If implemented, I would picture this information on the right pane below the Assigned Technician/Active Techs area -- perhaps with the billable time as these two are in a way presenting similar info (are we working on the ticket & how much time have we billed).

I'm providing a screenshot below of a helpdesk ticket in FreshDesk/Zendesk for their approach for consideration. Notice the green accents & timestamps presented with their SLA information. This is a dynamic section, so as a reply is entered, the response SLA stops (Similar to how Connectwise treats it). Also when certain ticket statuses or priorities are presented the SLA timer adjusts/changes. If SLA metrics aren't met the green icons also turn red to alert the technician of a failed SLA.


Nness commented 3 years ago

Autotask does have First response due time and resolution plan due time.

For ConnectWise, if you have an test ticket example with those two field. Then we can compare with the data structure to locate the information.

This is to evaluate the effort to support it.

DevanMorrison commented 3 years ago

SLA in Connectwise is a bit interesting -- SLA is assigned at the Agreement level with the Company. From there service tickets underneath are assigned that individual SLA, and tracks accordingly.

Under the service ticket, the denoted SLA is shown on the ticket as shown here:


From there the SLA is tracked & able to be displayed via the SLA Status page, Last button on the prior menu shown:


DevanMorrison commented 3 years ago

Speaking with our internal teams -- if this is implemented, they would like this to be unobstructed versus the SLA setup presented above with FreshDesk/ZenDesk. If possible, potentially just two circles of a specific color. Perhaps green while SLA is met/pre expiration & changes to red if missed? I'm thinking dates/times can be shown in tooltips similar to how the date format is displayed with ticket detail replies.

In essence, we want to see it, but not take up valuable space on the ticket window for other more critical functions. We're open to suggestions -- we're technicians, not UI/UX developers :)

Nness commented 3 years ago
        "resolveMinutes": 0,
        "resPlanMinutes": 65340,  // 1089
        "respondMinutes": 0,

Respond: 1089 = resplan Plan: 1089 = resplan Resolve: 1089 = resplan + respond + resolve


        "resolveMinutes": 29885,  // 1079 hr
        "resPlanMinutes": 64745, // 498 hr
        "respondMinutes": 0,

Respond: 1079 = resolve Plan: 1079 = resolve Resolve: 1577 = resolve + resplan + respond


        "resolveMinutes": 20453,  //  340
        "resPlanMinutes": 45860,  // 764
        "respondMinutes": 0,

Respond: 764 = resplan Plan: 764 = resplan Resolve: 1105 = resolve + resplan + respond


        "resolveMinutes": 0,
        "resPlanMinutes": 0,
        "respondMinutes": 142435,  // 2373 hr

Respond: 2373= respond Plan: 7398 = ? Resolve: 7398 = ?


        "resolveMinutes": 0,
        "resPlanMinutes": 224,  // 3.7
        "respondMinutes": 9434, //  157

Respond: 157 = respond Plan: 160 = resplan + respond Resolve: 160 = resplan + respond + resolve image

        "resolveMinutes": 0,
        "resPlanMinutes": 2160,
        "respondMinutes": 28,

Respond: 0.28= respond Plan: 36.28 = resplan + respond Resolve: 36.28 = resplan + respond + resolve


        "resolveMinutes": 8768,  // 146.13
        "resPlanMinutes": 2160,  // 36
        "respondMinutes": 610,  // 10.16

Respond: 10.10= respond Plan: 46.10 = resplan + respond Resolve: 192.18 = resplan + respond + resolve


Nness commented 3 years ago

Resolve seems consistent, where respond and plan seems a bit random.

Data collected as:

DevanMorrison commented 3 years ago

The important column in the screenshots above is the "Goal" column as this is the reference SLA -- this task has to be done by the time specified or SLA is breached.. The time remaining is the clock showing how much time left until the SLA expires. The middle column is the time elapsed so far since ticket creation. Both the first & second column times follow business logic -- time stops at the end of business hours, ignores weekends+holidays.

The goal time can fluctuate depending on the priority assigned, or if a special SLA is assigned to that Company in Connectwise. For example, a priority 3 -- Normal has our standard SLA time, whereas if I change the priority down to a 2 or 1 given it's impact/urgency, the respond, plan, and resolution times all decrease, thus ensuring quicker turnaround.

If you need specific tickets by us, our SLA info, or a deeper look into the SLA setup for Connectwise feel free to contact us to discuss further or bring these points up in the Git here. Thanks!

Nness commented 3 years ago

I am refer to the number ConnectWise display there. The number in the middle column does not appear to have any simple calculation.

If you take look at what we get from their API and how it's been displayed inside interface, then you will notice the unmatch between each entry.

From the SLA setting, you can only setup expected time for response, resolve and planning. So I expected middle column to have same kind of calculation. Which it doesn't seems to be an consistent calculation.

DevanMorrison commented 1 year ago

Following up here. We're using Connectwise Workflow rules to trigger an email to advise techs when Response & Resolution SLAs are coming up, but additional feedback or values within Desk Director would be also helpful for techs to see & better guide their impact v. urgency on how to process their ticket load each day.

Nness commented 1 year ago

Those data is not provided through API directly, and it requires some calculation that we are not aware of. At this stage, we don't have any plan to support it until ConnectWise can provide a instruction on its logic.

In the future, similar as user group, task list etc, we might introduce SLA of our own to be completely independent from CW. In that way, we are not reverse engineering the logic and able to provide solid support.