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[47244] Generic client portal ticket action #690

Open Nness opened 1 year ago

Nness commented 1 year ago

Currently, we have fast track in ConnectWise, and Escalate and Fast track in Autotask. Those functionalities are very similar. When adding note, the ticket will switch to that status.

To allow customer to create different ticket status related action for client portal, we could introduce it in generic form. Similar to menu item. Where customer can define name of the action, ticket status and some of behaviours, such as whether action is allowed when ticket is closed.

By introduce such generic action, we could potentially merge fast track and escalate to generic action.

cdandrea commented 1 year ago

I'm really interested in how this is developing. We have a client where we've used FastTrack, combined with CW workflow rules to push a ticket to the next status and send email communication (via the CW workflow) to the next party tasked with jumping into the ticket within DD. I understand there's been a move to decouple from PSA specific controls, but it would be nice to have end users able to access statuses in the client portal.

The above workaround has been okay up to this point, but we are now getting requests to "branch" a ticket based on next steps. We have a flow that is not linear so we can't piggyback on the FastTrack method. I envision being able to affect the DD group in some way (without needing the Power Automate Premium Connector), whereby it moves the ticket to that group. It would also change to the Approval Required status. At which point, the notified users can approve the request and it shifts status and gets assigned to the next group.